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Inclusive Higher Ed

Self Paced Modules

Modules Overview

"Inclusive Higher Education in Colorado: Self-Paced Modules" is a five part series to help you feel more competent and comfortable talking to students with intellectual disabilities (ID) about college as a post-graduation option. These are intended for families, teachers, or anyone else who wants to learn more about college options for students with ID in Colorado.

We are able to provide a certificate of completion that you can submit for professional development, if it meets the requirements of your school district or license.

Modules in this series:

  • Module 1: Students with Intellectual Disabilities in College, 0.75 hours
  • Module 2: History and Comparison of Disability Services in Colorado, 0.5 hours
  • Module 3: Colleges in Colorado Offering Inclusive Higher Education, 0.75 hours
  • Module 4: Preparing ALL students for College, 1 hour
  • Module 5: You Are Not Alone - Resources and partnerships for college & transition planning, 0.5 hours

If at any time you have difficulty, questions, or want to provide feedback, please contact Shayna Laing M.A., Community Engagement Manager at

Module 1: Students with Intellectual Disabilities in College

Learning Objectives for Module 1

  • Learn about inclusive higher education as a philosophy and social justice issue
  • Meet students who have taken part in inclusive college options
  • Reflect on the benefits of inclusive higher education

Links to Complete Module 1

Additional Resources for Module 1

  • IN!'s blog with latest news on inclusive higher ed in Colorado and more student stories
  • Think College
  • Intelligent Lives film
  • Book recommendation: Navigating the Transition from High School to College for Students with Disabilities, Grigal, Madaus, Dukes, Hart, 2018; ISBN 9781138934733

Module 2: History and Comparison of Disability Services in Colorado

Learning Objectives for Module 2

  • Identify three important milestones and legislation that have led to individuals with disabilities enrolling in colleges across our country
  • Highlight one difference between disability supports available in college versus those available and required in high school
  • Name support services on college campuses for students with disabilities, including those with intellectual disabilities and those with other disabilities
  • Identify which support services are best suited to students in your life 

Links to Complete Module 2

Additional Resources for Module 2

Module 3: Colleges in Colorado Offering Inclusive Higher Education

Learning Objectives for Module 3

  • Identify colleges in Colorado that have inclusive service offices.
  • Answer common questions students and families may have about supports available in college. 
  • Provide a general overview of the application process and typical costs, activities, and housing options associated with each college offering inclusive higher education. 
  • Utilize state and national resources, as well as professional collaborations, to help you support your students’ college search.

Links to Complete Module 3

Inclusive higher education contacts in Colorado

Additional Resources for Module 3

Module 4: Preparing ALL students for College

Learning Objectives for Module 4

Feel prepared to:

  • Discuss college options with students and families while honoring choice
  • Teach self-advocacy and other important skills for college,
  • Advocate for inclusive opportunities to prepare students for future inclusion.

Links to Complete Module 4

Additional Resources for Module 4

Module 5: You Are Not Alone - Resources and partnerships for college & transition planning

Learning Objectives for Module 5

  • Name 4 community resources adults with disabilities can utilize to support life after high school.
  • For each resource
    • State the first step a family needs to take to connect with the resource
    • Identify the age at which a family can connect to the resource
    • Describe how it is relevant to college

Links to Complete Module 5

Additional Resources for Module 5

Links to Resources

Recorded Webinars

Resources in Spanish