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Inclusive Higher Ed

For Students

Inclusive Higher Ed

For Students

Hey, future college student! We are glad you are here.

In college, you are in charge of what you want to do. This means that you choose what you want to study and what kind of classes you take. You also choose what kind of job you want to have and what social activities you want to do with friends. When you need help, it is important to let others know what your needs are. But, there are many people who will be there to help you along the way! That's what inclusive higher education is made for.

Hear two students talk about their experiences in college:

An average day in college might look like:

  • Get breakfast at cafeteria
  • Morning class
  • Go to work/internship shift
  • Lunch at cafeteria 
  • Work out at gym 
  • Afternoon class 
  • Study
  • Dinner
  • Attend sports practice, club, or social event 
  • Time with friends

College Options

Finding the right fit

When thinking about college, try to think about:

  • What do you want to study?
  • Where do you want to live? 
  • How far from home do you want to go?

Steps to help decide which college is best for you:

  • Tour each school 
  • Ask to talk to a current student
  • Set up a meeting or go to an open house to get to know the inclusive office staff at each school

Learn more about a specific college by clicking a school logo below.

In the United States, there are over 315 colleges welcoming students with intellectual disabilities. Think College is a national organization that keeps a list of all the options. Click on the Think College logo above to search for programs in other states.

How can I prepare for college?

Getting support in college is a little different than high school. In college, you are the one who has to ask for help when you need it. That's why practicing self-advocacy is so important!

Practicing self-advocacy:

  • Work on making choices independently and speaking up about what you want
  • Practice talking about your disability and what kind of support you need
  • Come up with ways to keep a schedule, manage medications, and work on other independent living skills
  • Your IEP meeting can be a great time to practice self-advocacy

In the video below, college students with disabilities share their advice on other ways to prepare for college.