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Have you purchased your tickets to our annual Tailgate Party? You won't want to miss it! This casual night will be filled with games, food, drink, expansion announcements, graduate celebrations, and fundraising to support inclusive higher ed in Colorado! Purchase your tickets today

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Board & Staff


Board & Staff

Kendall Woods

Kendall Woods

As a disability advocate and behavior therapist, I am constantly reminded of the societal barriers and public perception of individuals with disabilities. From my work and personal experience, I am passionate about cultivating a space for individuals with disabilities to grow, learn, socialize, and work. I am inspired by IN! 's work to create a space of inclusion for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

I joined the Young Professionals Board because I want to be a part of the next generation of inclusion in higher education in Colorado. I believe that disability should not be a barrier to attending college, and attending college is an excellent opportunity to learn and gain knowledge and job-readiness skills. I am so excited to serve on this board! 

Current Position: Co-iThrive Program Coordinator at Garden, Inc.

Experience Includes: Behavior Therapist at Garden, Inc in Denver, Colorado, Respite Direct Care Provider for children with disabilities in Denver, Colorado, Speech and Debate Coach and ADA Student Staff Specialist at Colorado Christian University in Lakewood, Colorado. 

Education: BA in Psychology from Colorado Christian University