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For Graduates

Makena, UCCS

Makena, UCCS

Makena's Experience

  • School: UCCS
  • Major: Animal Science Education
  • Favorite Part of College: All the fun events I get to go to, like bingo!
  • Plans After Graduation: I want to have a paid part-time position at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. I want to see if I can work in the loft area or the reptile house.

Makena's Words of Wisdom

  • What has the opportunity to go to college meant for you?: I think it's meant a lot. It's helped me achieve my dreams and get into the zoo. College is a big help with trying to achieve your goals and your dreams!
  • What did you learn about yourself during college?: I learned more about how my brain works. It takes me longer to process things or sometimes some things need to be rephrased in a simpler manner for me.
  • What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?: Definitely always listen to your mentors! They are there to help you. They do not want to make your life hard. Go with other people to events so you don't get lost!

Watch Makena's Senior Video to hear more of her story!