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Have you purchased your tickets to our annual Tailgate Party? You won't want to miss it! This casual night will be filled with games, food, drink, expansion announcements, graduate celebrations, and fundraising to support inclusive higher ed in Colorado! Purchase your tickets today

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Inclusive Higher Ed


Katelyn, UCCS

Katelyn, UCCS

Katelyn's Experience 

  • School: UCCS
  • Major: Event Planning
  • Favorite Part of College: Spending time with friends. The social events were amazing!
  • Plans After Graduation: Finding a job in event planning

Katelyn's Words of Wisdom 

  • What has the opportunity to go to college meant for you: I learned self-advocacy. Looking back is like, "whoa, I've grown!" I loved every single moment!
  • What did you learn about yourself during college: I'm learning that I am a good person, and it's hard sometimes, but I'm learning that everyday. Stay strong - it can be rough sometimes but being strong got me through.
  • What advice do you have for incoming freshmen: You can do it! Work through the hard times.

Watch Katelyn's Senior Video to hear more of her story!