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For Graduates

Jen, Regis

Jen, Regis

Jen's Experience

  • School: Regis
  • Major: Liberal Arts
  • Favorite Part of College: Making all these new friends and learning to live on my own! I was also in the Regis Rambler's Production of Mamma Mia from January 2024 to March 2024.
  • Plans After Graduation: I am currently looking for a job at a library or at a hospital, and I will do volunteer work until I find something. I will be living at home with my parents.

Jen's Words of Wisdom

  • What has the opportunity to go to college meant for you?: I couldn't go to college right after high school. I just took a couple gap years. Now I'm really excited! College means a lot to me because I learned that there are a lot of other kids just like me who have disabilities and learning problems and still have our friends and peer mentors there to support us.
  • What did you learn about yourself during college?: I learned how to be more independent, how to be more grownup, how to take care of myself, and to start making my own decisions.
  • What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?: Don't be too scared! If your parents live close by, you can always go home whenever you need to.

Watch Jen's Senior Video to hear more of her story!