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Have you purchased your tickets to our annual Tailgate Party? You won't want to miss it! This casual night will be filled with games, food, drink, expansion announcements, graduate celebrations, and fundraising to support inclusive higher ed in Colorado! Purchase your tickets today

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Inclusive Higher Ed


Jason, UNC

Jason, UNC

Jason's Experience

  • School: UNC
  • Major: Sociology
  • Favorite Part of College: Meeting new people, working in the dining hall, Navigators, and Challenge
  • Plans After Graduation: Moving back home, obtaining some type of job, Working on other life skills I still need to grow in like managing my own bank account and understanding money better

Jason's Words of Wisdom

  • What has the opportunity to go to college meant for you?: This has been the best thing that's ever happened to me! I'm not the same me when I came in. I'm more confident. I have more experience. I'm learning to navigate my social life more and take the initiative. It's meant the world for me to be here! It's been a steppingstone to my future.
  • What did you learn about yourself during college?: I’ve gained confidence in myself, I’ve gained independence, I’ve grown in my social life. I'm more capable than I think I am and I'm more capable than I give myself credit for!
  • What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?: Get involved in clubs and organizations, meet new people, and make the most of your experience. There are tons of events! Be okay with the learning experience. Know that that's why you're there.

Watch Jason's Senior Video to hear more about his story!