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Inclusive Higher Ed


Grace, UCCS

Grace, UCCS

Grace's Experience

  • School: UCCS
  • Major: Animal Nutrition
  • Favorite Part of College: I love college and it was a very big challenge. I love making friends and learning about animals.
  • Plans After Graduation: I am going to live in Denver and work at the Denver Zoo.

Grace's Words of Wisdom

  • What has the opportunity to go to college meant for you?: It means the world to me. It is so amazing to have my own life.
  • What did you learn about yourself during college?: I learned I was totally capable and I love taking care of myself.
  • What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?: Go for it. You can do it.

Check out Grace's blog post on all about her experience as a Think College Policy Advocate in Washington DC.  

And, hear from Grace and her mom, Lisa, as they reflect on her college journey in this Graduate Reflection Video