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Inclusive Higher Ed


Gabby, ACC

Gabby, ACC

Gabby’s Experience 

  • School: ACC
  • Major: Communications
  • Favorite Part of College: Having the experience to meet new people, starting clubs, and learning new things. College is an adventure!
  • Future Goal: Get a job at the rec center and eventually live on my own!

Gabby’s Words of Wisdom 

  • What has the opportunity to go to college meant for you?: I could get a higher education and not just go into a day program. It has given the opportunity for me to better myself and learn how to get good skills to get a better career than sitting at home!

  • What did you learn about yourself during college?: I need to give myself grace when things get very stressful. I've also learned that I'm a very social person, and I need to be around people! I learned that I can do hard things and to never give up.

  • What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?: Your first year is always hard in college, but never give up! You can also learn more about yourself than what you thought. Jump into the unknown and go for it! You never know what college is going to bring you. Always ask for help when you don't understand something. Have fun. Make mistakes and learn from them! 

Watch Gabby's Senior Video to hear more of her story!