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Inclusive Higher Ed


Avery, UNC

Avery, UNC

Avery's Experience

  • School: UNC
  • Major: Communications
  • Favorite Part of College: Meeting friends and being part of clubs. Clubs is my favorite memory! I am in 6 clubs. I'm going to miss meeting friends in my clubs.
  • Plans After Graduation: I want to be a teacher for students who are 4-5 years old.

Avery's Words of Wisdom

  • What has the opportunity to go to college meant for you?: It meant for me to be independent and do stuff on my own.
  • What did you learn about yourself during college?: I worked hard and I'd like to get a job at the dining hall. I used to clean tables when I went to camp at Rocky Mountain Village, so I think I want to work at the dining hall.
  • What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?: Work hard! It's not easy to work hard, but you get the hang of it. College is HARD! But you get mentor support to help you work harder. And you make friends and you live in the dorm!

Watch Avery's Senior Video to hear more of her story!