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Have you purchased your tickets to our annual Tailgate Party? You won't want to miss it! This casual night will be filled with games, food, drink, expansion announcements, graduate celebrations, and fundraising to support inclusive higher ed in Colorado! Purchase your tickets today

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Student with a disability in class discussion group with students without disabiliites


Become a Monthly INvestor


Monthly INvestors

IN’s monthly INvestors have a tremendous impact on continuing to make Colorado colleges inclusive for students with intellectual disabilities. 

By becoming a monthly INvestor, YOU are making the future of our state brighter! Inclusive Higher Education INvestors are people like you, giving a monthly gift, to ensure the number of students with access to college continues to grow for decades to come!

Monthly INvestor options:

Your Impact Outcome
Outreach INvestor - $10/month Your $10/month helps maintain IN!’s community outreach program by funding a personal conversation or resource development for parents, students, and teachers with specific college questions “It’s an inspiration to us and our 12 year old daughter. This looks very promising as a possibility for her. It is so encouraging.” -Parent
Mentorship INvestor - $25/month Your $25/month supports IN!’s high school mentorship program, allowing us to reach high school students with ID across the state and equip them for their college future “A lot of high school teachers tell a lot of students with disabilities they can’t go to college. I think it’s not fair, because we’re people too.” -Student
Alumni INvestor - $50/month Your $50/month funds an alumni event, ensuring inclusive higher education graduates are celebrated, connected, and continuing to reach goals together "The bar has been set high, and the students have risen and reached it! They have been presumed competent and their lives changed." -Graduate Parent
Resource INvestor - $75/month Your $75/month supports a teacher or parent training event, providing the tools to best prepare students with ID for college and ensuring more and more students with ID are on a college-bound track “I got goose bumps at the enthusiasm for college that the students had. This experience is a must in the future for all of our students!” -Teacher
Expansion INvestor - $100/month Your $100/month helps IN!’s efforts to expand inclusive higher education in CO through statewide advocacy, guidance, and technical support helping more schools open their doors to students with ID "I'm really excited that this work continues. I know it is not done, and I know I am not done." -Colorado State Representative

Year End Giving Goal: 25 New Monthly INvestors! 

As we conclude 2023, we would love to see 25 new Monthly INvestors join us in continuing our work throughout 2024! No amount is too small, and each donation makes a powerful impact. Will you join IN! and help us reach our goal?