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Have you purchased your tickets to our annual Tailgate Party? You won't want to miss it! This casual night will be filled with games, food, drink, expansion announcements, graduate celebrations, and fundraising to support inclusive higher ed in Colorado! Purchase your tickets today

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Board & Staff


Board & Staff

Michelle Brenner

Michelle Brenner

"Our work to include students with disabilities in their PK-21 education is a key step in creating an inclusive society at all levels. IN! allows us to expand on that work and create more opportunities for our young adults at all levels post-high school. I'm  reminded of a George Dei quote, 'Inclusion is not bringing people into what already exists; it is making a new space, a better space for everyone.' IN! is creating those new spaces that are truly better for everyone."

Current: Executive Director of Special Education for Boulder Valley School District

Experience includes: At heart, I am a special education teacher. After a few years teaching students with disabilities and working to move them from their isolated special education spaces into a more inclusive school, I found that my efforts and audience could be broadened in educational leadership. Since that time I've worked in various levels of Special Education administration. I've been an educator for 17+ years with some added experience teaching college courses, presenting at conferences and being a mom of two boys. My career goal is to keep innovating how we support individuals with disabilities and find ways to make our world a more inclusive one.

Education: Masters of Educational Leadership, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Bachelors of Elementary and Special Education, Temple University